Clubs – through their own administration screens – propose players for registration, and the Registration Administrator(s) you appoint can accept or reject them.
The system also handles transfers, de-registrations and re-registrations. Emails are automatically generated every time there is a change, to advise all parties. Both clubs and the Registration Administrator(s) can easily see who is currently registered, with access to a full history of past actions.
A range of settings allow your Registration Administrator(s) to control:
- Whether registration is open or closed
- The maximum number of players that can be registered to one team at a time
- Whether there is a time delay between registration approval and being allowed to play
- Whether players are ‘starred’ or not (i.e. whether there are limitations on them playing for other teams)
- Whether a player may be registered at more than one club at a time
- ‘Automated’ checks - to prevent clubs proposing players without key details e.g. DoB, photo – these can be customised
- ‘Advisory’ checks – to advise clubs, at the point of proposing a player for registration, that they must also, for example, send a photocopy of a passport
The system can be controlled by more than one Registration Administrator at a time, and that person doesn’t need to be the same person that controls fixtures and results through the Competition Administrator feature.
The system can also cover multiple leagues if needed – useful for governing bodies and others who wish to extend their registration regime beyond a single league.
Detailed workings
It is important to understand that the system registers a player to a single team at a club playing in your league(s).
This means that, if a player is registered to play for Team A in a club, they cannot normally be registered to play for Team B, in the same club, at the same time, and a transfer within the same club would need to take place for the player to be registered for Team B. If you choose to allow players to be registered to multiple teams within the same club - there is a setting for this - then this restriction can be lifted, though each registration, per team, remains subject to your approval.
You can also allow players to be registered to teams in multiple clubs, if you wish - another setting.
If your registration regime includes multiple leagues (e.g. a National League and 5 Regional Leagues, each with multiple divisions/cup competitions), a player remains registered if their team is moved between leagues, by promotion, relegation or restructuring.
All players can be de-registered en masse, if needed.
Many leagues allow clubs some flexibility from week to week as to whether a given player can play ‘up’ or ‘down’. This allows a club, for example, to play a registered first team player in a second team, but subject to league rules about how many times this can be done - to prevent clubs from ‘loading’ their lower teams with better players on a regular basis. Leagues often require a club to identify which players, in a given team, are subject to their rules about playing up or down. This is often called “starring”, and that’s the term we use.
The Registration Administrator can, through the system settings, decide whether ‘starring’ is switched on or off. If it is switched on, clubs are able to ‘star’ players in their squads. The Registration Administrator is also able to close/reopen the starring part of the system – this allows you to ‘lock’ the starrings at a point in time to prevent mischief.
The system does nothing further once a player is starred, because it can’t know what rules your league has, and, in any event, starring is generally used to control who plays in specific matches, and this registration system does not record that level of detail. What the Registration Administrator can do is to write up some ‘starring notes’ to explain the league’s rules. These notes will appear on the relevant screens for clubs if the starring system is in use.
Set up issues
To get you going, we will need to know:
- which league or leagues are to be included in your registration regime
- who will have Registration Administrator access
- what, if any, custom or advisory checks you want built into the system
Starting point
Existing Competition Administrators should contact us at if interested, and we'll set you up with demo access.