
How do I upload new members in bulk?

Club administrators can upload a number of club members in one go from an Excel spreadsheet (xls, not xlsx). This adds new members, and does not overwrite existing member records.

The minimum amount of information required is: first name; last name and gender (M/F) - which need to be in separate columns. You can also have columns for date of birth, email address, telephone and address information. 

Our system will, after your spreadsheet is initially uploaded, take you through which columns from your spreadsheet match which fields in our database - so it doesn't matter what your column headings are called.

When you have matched your columns, you can then press a single button to import the lot. You need to ensure that the name of the worksheet in your spreadsheet matches with the “Name of worksheet” box on screen, in order for the initial upload to work. All these new members will be assigned your club's default membership type. Members are not sent emails with their login details.

To use this feature, go into the Club administrator area, click on the 'Members' link; click 'Add a new member' and see the 'Upload members in bulk' link towards the top of the page.

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Return to support home page Article viewed 5,283 times Created 03 March 2010 Last updated 01 September 2010