What is a 'Multi-Club Organisation' (MCO)?
It is a group of clubs.
Some organisations - typically universities, colleges and schools - have
more than one club within them - each of which may be
affiliated to a separate sporting governing body, each club having exactly the
same set-up as other clubs on our system.
So, on our system, a single sports governing body can see all its affiliated clubs, while at the same time, a university, college or school can manage its different internal 'clubs'.
So, for example, at the University of Testshire:
- we would have one Multi-club organisation, called the University of Testshire, and, linked to it...
- a football club called the University of Testshire
- a hockey club called the University of Testshire
- a rugby club called the University of Testshire
- other non-sporting clubs, like the debating society or dance society